Takada, Tomokazu
National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics. Associate Professor

A comparison viewer for images of the British Library's Amakusa edition

The National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics released the public domain color JPEG images of the British Library’s Amakusa edition of Feiqe no monogatari [Heike monogatari], Esopo no fabulas [Isoho monogatari] and Qincuxu [Kinkushū] (shelfmark: Or.59.aa.1) in March, 2019.

The Amakusa edition of Heike monogatari, Isoho monogatari and Kinkushū are one of the so-called Christian editions, published in 1592-1593. The British Library’s copy is only surviving copy in the world. Written in a Portuguese version of romanization, we can estimate how Japanese was pronounced at that time.

Furthermore, for the use of Japanese language history class, we developed a viewer that displays the Amakusa edition’s images and transliterated texts side-by-side. This viewer has three type transliterated texts; kanji and hiragana text (ordinary Japanese writing), katakana text, kunrei-shiki romanization text.


2019年3月に、大英図書館蔵天草版『平家物語』『伊曽保物語』『金句集』(Shelfmark: Or.59.aa.1)のカラー画像(jpeg)を、国立国語研究所サイトから公開した(画像は大英図書館の提供,パブリックドメインでの公開,https://dglb01.ninjal.ac.jp/BL_amakusa/)。

