Iino Katsunori
Bukkyo University Library
Current status on Japanese resource contents in web-scale discovery services
A Web-Scale discovery service (WSD) is so useful for students and faculty to search for academic articles, journals and books. Therefore, it is becoming a de facto standard among academic libraries in many countries. One of the features of the WSD is to serve as a cloud service. This means that all users of all libraries that implement a WSD, will search the same so-called “Central Index”, and that the results of the WSD search with the same key words, will — theoretically — be the same among these different libraries. As such the WSD is a google-like service to search and discover library contents globally.
On the other hand, it is often pointed out that WSD's Japanese resource contents is much poorer than Chinese resource contents in terms of quantity. For example, when searching for a typical native Japanese word “枕草子” in “Summon” (one of the WSD used in many universities in Europe and US) the top search results may be occupied by Chinese resources.
However, the quantity is not that different (6.8 million Chinese and 6.9 million Japanese). Therefore, the reason why the top search results are virtually occupied by Chinese resources is considered to be caused by factors other than quantity.
In this lecture, I want to describe the current status on Japanese resource contents in web-scale discovery services and some efforts needed to solve the problem.