Spring wishes
Dear Friends and Colleagues, members of EAJRS,
Those of you who have accessed the website of the EAJRS may have been wondering whether we had gone on a strike since last year's conference in Lisbon, but rest assured, although we have failed to send out our customary New Year's wishes, we are in no mood to go on strike and take the imminent advent of spring as the opportunity to start afresh.
Japanese, Chinese and Korean Printing Exhibition at The British Library
Marega Collection online
Dear all,
the website of the Marega Collection is online at:
Any comment will be highly welcomed.
See you soon in Lisboa (or Tenri for the worshop folk)!
Laura Moretti
Sanctos no gosagueo no uchi nuqigaqi. (2006 facsimile reprint of 1591 original housed at Biblioteca nazionale marciana)
Unfortunately, last September, at the EAJRS Annual Conference, a visit to the Biblioteca nazionale marciana did not materialise. Just today, I catalogued:
Sanctos no gosagueo no uchi nuqigaqi. -- Tokyo : Yushodo Shuppan, 2006.
(ISBN 4841904204)
which is a facsimile reprint of a 1591 original in romanised Japanese housed at the Biblioteca nazionale marciana in Venice:
New Year's Wishes 2007
Dear Friends and Colleagues, members of EAJRS, After what looked like a prolonged autumn, with exceptionally mild weather, winter has finally set in. It is about time, says the gardener, and I believe him, but it all looks so far away now from the pleasant late summer we enjoyed in Venice. Another year has indeed revolved. We are sending you our best wishes for a peaceful and blissful Christmas time and we wish you on behalf of the board of the EAJRS, a happy and fruitful New Year 2007.
Tenri Antiquarian Materials Workshop
The UK Japan Library Group, in collaboration with the Tenri University, Tenri Central Library, the North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Library Resources (NCC), and EAJRS, announces:
Tenri Antiquarian Materials Workshop for Overseas Japanese Studies Librarians, June 18-22, 2007. Application Deadline: February 28, 2007
"Vanishing Venice: A City Swamped by a Sea of Tourists"
Article "Vanishing Venice: A City Swamped by a Sea of Tourists" published in International herald tribune during the 2006 EAJRS Annual Conference, which I mentioned to some of the participants, is also found at URL http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/01/world/europe/01venice.html?ex=11604528....
Japanese Imprint on Venitian Paintings Received through Japan Art Catalogue Project
The following Japanese imprint on Venetian paintings that has recently been received through the Japan Art Catalogue Project originally established by ACE Japan, with support from the Japan Foundation, might be of some interest to those attending the upcoming EAJRS Conference in Venice.
New Year's Wishes 2006